Thursday, November 19, 2009

twit for tweet

Well, they name itself lends itself to endless playfulness.
The media and marketing blog, tweets and e-postings have been musing about the most recent reports of Forbes executives. It seems that over 70% have dormant twitter accounts with their name on it. Hard to believe?
I don't think so. Most Forbes CEO's are too busy building Fortune 500 companies and they don't have time to get on the narcissistic mini blogger. At risk of being blatantly antithesis to the emerging social netting leader, some of us have work to do and don't have the time or the will to listen to a thousand voices talking to themselves at the same time.
Just to set the records straight, I get the idea that the ideal behind Twitter is a dialogue, but my own experience is nothing at all like a dialogue. It is a bit like my father's side of the family where all 45 uncles, aunts,and cousins sat in a large room carrying 97 conversations. With that history, I consider myself fairly adept at chaotic communication. But imaging a focused, type A CEO caring - perhaps I'm not that imaginative.
While I read mega article that urge me to get on the Twitter train or my marketing will suffer - I haven't seen much evidence of the effectiveness. Now it is free. But at risk of being old and dated, I'll just say that you get what u
You pay for.
Cynicism aside. I truly believe Twitter has the potential to work. I love the challenge of creating meaningful messages in 140 characters. But most of what I see on Twitter is gibberish leads to http://. I also really like the idea of short blurbs of information. Kind of like watching the sports highlights so I can follow the conversation of my hockey obsessed colleagues (do you realize it takes several hours to watch a game -- and only a minute to score?). But Twitter seems to following the Facebook evaluator - the more followers (friends) I have the more likely I am to succeed. I can see that for Obama (but let's face it - none is going to let him give a tweet) but Gayle? Frankly my dear, I just don't give a damn.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thank you AFP

Non-profit marketing is changing. We presented a brand seminar: Uniquely Me at a seminar sponsored by the Association of Professional Fundraisers. It was a great opportunity to share ideas with many different organizations.
In the past year, more than 10,000 new charities and non-profits have been registered in Canada! Today there are more than 150,000 organizations competing for the donor's attention.
To cut through the noise and have your message heard, it's critical that your brand is strong, consistent and different. Organizations who choose to strength and monitor their brand will experience a greater level of donor loyalty, acquisition and public attention. They will also be protecting themselves against adverse messaging and PR.